Applications are now invited for the 2025/26 intake for student Bursary.
Scholarship 2024
Applications are now closed for the 2024 scholarship – we look forward to meeting the 6 applicants.
Applications now open for 2024 Scholarship
Scholarship Scheme 2024/25
Applications are invited from
Students proposing University Entrance Autumn 2024
Nafferton Feoffees Charities Trust Committee is able to offer a discretionary scholarship to a student applying for University entrance to a full time course, in the academic year 2024/25. Applicants must be resident in the ecclesiastical parish of Nafferton with Wansford, East Riding of Yorkshire, and intend to enter a first degree course at a UK University or College. The scholarship shall be awarded for the duration of the course.
To request full details and an application form please see the scholarship webpage. forms to be returned to;-
Vice Chair of Nafferton Feoffees Charities Trust, Mrs Fiona Trewartha Penhallow, 4 Bridlington Road, Nafferton, DRIFFIELD, East Riding of Yorkshire, YO25 4LG Email:
Closing date – Sunday April 28th 2024
Interviews via Zoom – Monday 20th May 2024
Just a reminder that the Scholarship Application closing date is fast approaching – 30th April 2023.
Scholarship Fund 2023
Scholarship Scheme 2023/24
Applications are invited from Students proposing University Entrance Autumn 2023
Nafferton Feoffees Charities Trust Committee is able to offer a discretionary scholarship to a student applying for University entrance to a full time course, in the academic year 2023/24. Applicants must be resident in the ecclesiastical parish of Nafferton with Wansford, East Riding of Yorkshire, and intend to enter a first degree course at a UK University or College. The scholarship shall be awarded for the duration of the course.
To request full details and an application form please either download or apply to;-
Vice Chair of Nafferton Feoffees Charities Trust,
Mrs Fiona Trewartha
4 Bridlington Road,
East Riding of Yorkshire,
YO25 4LG
Closing date – Sunday April 30th 2023
The Nafferton Parks
We are pleased to report that seating has now been installed in The Parks (see photos) and we hope that people can make use of them. Following on from the seating, we are now in a position to create an avenue of trees along the footpath to enhance the area and determine the footpath route. If you would like to sponsor a tree, these will be available at £300 each – they will be fenced in and a plaque can be installed on the wooden surround. Interested parties should contact the Secretary, , in the first instance. We will be planting oak, beech, copper beech, field maple and wild cherry – 12 trees in total.
We hope you all enjoy the park area and remember to pick up after your dogs.

We welcome Mr Tim Wakeley as our new co-opted trustee (5 years). Tim has lived in the village for quite an while and was Scout Leader for 11 years in Nafferton before moving to Commissioner level in Humberside Scout County. He has a lot of experience working with the young people in the village and also the General Manager of a local company who have over 50 staff. We look forward to his contributions.
Trustee Vacancy
The Trustees of Nafferton Feoffees Trust are seeking to appoint a replacement Trustee. We are seeking expressions of interest from any adult person living within the parishes of Nafferton and Wansford.
The Trust provides financial support to village organisations and the enhancement of amenities, and also individuals within the villages, supporting their wider education and personal development.
If you are interested in becoming a Trustee, please apply in writing (or email), expressing your interest, together with some indication of why you are interested, and what experience you are able to offer to the Nafferton Feoffees Trust. We will then send you further details of the role.
Apply to: Mrs Margaret Buckton (Secretary), South Cattleholmes, Wansford, Driffield, YO25 8NW.
We welcome Mr Neil Robson who has now been elected on as the representative from Wansford Parish Council for 4 years.
Feoffees Scholarship Scheme
We interviewed 6 young people from the Parish who had applied for this year’s scholarship. An award of £3000 was given to Alice and a second award of £2400 to James. All candidates were a pleasure to meet and we wish them all the best in their future endeavours. We hope that more young people can apply next year when we advertise in March 2023 for a start of September 2023. If anyone in the Parish wishes to request funding please contact in the first instance;